"Comics deluxe" nennt sich die aktuelle Ausstellung im Cartoonmuseum Basel, sie gibt einen Überblick über die 28jährige Geschichte des Comicmagazins Strapazin, und darüber hinaus auch über die Entstehung einer eigenständigen Comicszene im deutschen Sprachraum. Denn fast alle namhaften deutschen/schweizer und viele viele internationale Zeichner haben im Strapazin publiziert. "Es war eine Ehre, gefragt zu werden" kommentierte Anke Feuchtenberger.
Fotos der Ausstellung finden sich auf der website des Cartoonmuseums >>>
Der Vernissagenabend glich einer großen Familienfeier, und zwar der einer erstaunlich harmonischen Familie. Martin tom Dieck bestand deshalb auf einem Familienfoto, welches bei schlechtem Licht mit einer schlechten Kamera ordnungsgemäß geknipst wurde.
Freitag, 16. November 2012
Samstag, 25. August 2012
Im scheusslichen Garten - Ausstellung im Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Acht Positionen zum zeitgenössischen Comic
mit: Alex Baladi, Anke Feuchtenberger, Dominique Goblet & Kai Pfeiffer, Kolbeinn Karlsson, Ulli Lust, Oliver Grajewski und Aisha Franz
17. August bis 30. September 2012 im Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Kuratiert und organisiert von Kai Pfeiffer und Patrick Borchers
Comics sind Zeichenmaschinen. Sie erzählen, was sie wollen, und brauchen dazu nur die präzise Verteilung von Druckfarbe auf flachem Papier, nur eine Ecke auf einer Zeitungsseite für den Comic-Strip, einige wenige Blätter für ein Heft, und immer dickerer Stapel für die ausgreifenden Spannungsbögen einer Graphik Novel, deren Umfang nur von den Grenzen der Buchbindekunst beschränkt wird.
Die dritte Dimension, die brauchen wir Comic-Autoren nicht für unsere narrativen Zwecke. Das Buch ist Objekt, und doch ist sein Aussehen und seine Haptik idealer Weise nur bestimmt durch den Sinn und die Poetik der Zeichen, die darin zu entschlüsseln sind.
Nun sollen wir uns in den Raum begeben. Sanftes Entsetzen umfängt uns. Der Comic-Strip, in seiner rhythmisierten Syntax aus Bild- und Schriftzeichen, die sich wie Schlingpflanzen aneinander festhalten, er ist dem Gedicht verwandt, er braucht keinen Raum. Seine Bildzeichen können in ihrem Abstraktionsgrad aber auch einer anderen Kunstform anverwandt betrachtet werden: Dem Theater und seiner Bühne, auf der eine Pappröhre überzeugend zum Baum wird, so wie im Comic ein paar wenige, vertikale Federstriche ein Wald sein können. Nun also, zur dritten Dimension: Wir schleichen uns ein, halten uns nah an den Wänden. Daran hängen wir Blätter, die einmal Bäume waren.
Willkommen im scheußlichen Garten.
Kai Pfeiffer
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Alex Baladi
Alex Baladi (Photo Hannes Woidich)
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links: Anke Feuchtenberger, rechts: Dominique Goblet & Kai Pfeiffer![]() Dominique Goblet & Kai Pfeiffer (Photo Hannes Woidich) ![]() (Photo Hannes Woidich) |
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Dominique Goblet und Ulli Lust vor einem Pilz von Kolbeinn Karlsson |
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Kai Pfeiffer, Patrick Borchers, Oliver Grajewski |
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Film von Kolbeinn Karlsson |
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Kolbeinn Karlsson himself |
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Aisha Franz Aisha Franz (Photo Hannes Woidich) Aisha Franz (Photo Hannes Woidich) |
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Oliver Grajewski |
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Oliver Grajewski |
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Oliver Grajewski |
Montag, 11. Juni 2012
Oslo Comics Expo 2012
At first: I appologize for the pidgin english you have to read in the next lines. I'll try to cut it short.
Missed the Comics Festival in Erlangen, which was at the same weekend as the Oslo Comics Expo. But I didn't have to feel lonesome in Norway. Just arriving in Oslo I met Frederik Strömberg and Paul Gravett sitting in the concret garden of the hotel, both dressed in finest British mens's fashion.

A highlight was the panel discussion with Seth, Chris Ware, Sverre Malling, Jillian Tamaki and the presenter Flu Hartberg. They were talking about drawing in general, Flu was showing various images starting from 30 000 years old cave painting and Käthe Kollwitz to George Herriman. Here Chris Ware noted, that Leonardo da Vinci didn't get the embryo right, he's drawn the head too small "probably he imagined to be the baby himself".

The festival was located in two small tends, with few but very fine tables. Here you see Bendik Kaltenborn and Matthias Wivel presenting an anthology with contempory nordic Comics: Kolor Klimax.

Here is Bendik one more time, suddenly sitting next to me. This was the moment I realized, that Norwegian boys have very accurate haircuts. Jillian Tamaki (on the right) agreed.
Martin Ernstsen, next to Sharmila Banerjee proofs it, while Marc Bell represents Canadian style. The blond Lady is Erle Marie Sørheim, a Norwegian Journalist living in Berlin.

uhh ... big honor for me to be the warm up for these artists.

Seth, signing (he does not represent a usual Canadian fashion)

Paul Gravett, Pascal Girard, Seth, Sharmila Banerjee, Martin Ernstsen, Jillian Tamaki

Chris Ware is talking about his work.
I send my best whishes to all the other friends, I've met on this great festival, like Karstein Volle, Lars Fiske, Steffen Kverneland, Espen Holtestaul, Cis-Doris Andreassen and Lina Neidestam.
A big "Danke schön" to Lisa Nordick from the Goethe-Institute in Oslo for the invitation!
Missed the Comics Festival in Erlangen, which was at the same weekend as the Oslo Comics Expo. But I didn't have to feel lonesome in Norway. Just arriving in Oslo I met Frederik Strömberg and Paul Gravett sitting in the concret garden of the hotel, both dressed in finest British mens's fashion.

A highlight was the panel discussion with Seth, Chris Ware, Sverre Malling, Jillian Tamaki and the presenter Flu Hartberg. They were talking about drawing in general, Flu was showing various images starting from 30 000 years old cave painting and Käthe Kollwitz to George Herriman. Here Chris Ware noted, that Leonardo da Vinci didn't get the embryo right, he's drawn the head too small "probably he imagined to be the baby himself".
Seth, Espen Holtesstaul (their publisher), Chris Ware, and Joost Swarte at the opening of Joost's exhibition.

The festival was located in two small tends, with few but very fine tables. Here you see Bendik Kaltenborn and Matthias Wivel presenting an anthology with contempory nordic Comics: Kolor Klimax.

Here is Bendik one more time, suddenly sitting next to me. This was the moment I realized, that Norwegian boys have very accurate haircuts. Jillian Tamaki (on the right) agreed.
Martin Ernstsen, next to Sharmila Banerjee proofs it, while Marc Bell represents Canadian style. The blond Lady is Erle Marie Sørheim, a Norwegian Journalist living in Berlin.
Amanda Vähämäki (and husband), feeding her children.

uhh ... big honor for me to be the warm up for these artists.

Seth, signing (he does not represent a usual Canadian fashion)

Paul Gravett, Pascal Girard, Seth, Sharmila Banerjee, Martin Ernstsen, Jillian Tamaki

Chris Ware is talking about his work.
... on the last evening. They call it Party.
I send my best whishes to all the other friends, I've met on this great festival, like Karstein Volle, Lars Fiske, Steffen Kverneland, Espen Holtestaul, Cis-Doris Andreassen and Lina Neidestam.
A big "Danke schön" to Lisa Nordick from the Goethe-Institute in Oslo for the invitation!
Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012
in memoriam
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Kristiina Kohlemainen, summer 2011 |
She was missing on her own festival, the SPX 2012 in Stockholm. And still, as Lisa Medin described it so striking, it was like we allways saw her in the corner of our eyes. Like she would run around, chatting and cackling, electrifying us with her enthusiasm.
Since she lost her fight against cancer one month ago, the SPX and the comics library lost its excellent spirit. But the last weekend showed that the shock of her death had created an enormous energy to honor her work and to carry on with it. Anders Lundgren and Ola Hellsten, her former co-workers are willing to organize the next festivals and they already did a good job with this one.
There are plans to establish a grant "to install something permanent in Kristiinas name" (Thomas Karlsson) for international exchange, female artists or else ... the themes are not finally set.
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Celebration in Kristiinas memory at the Kulturhuset. |
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Benoit Mouchart, artistic director of the cultural programming of Angoulême International Comics Festival is holding a memorial speech. |
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Josefin Svenske at the stand of Kolik förlag |
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Lina Neidestam and a mask of the face of one of her heros. A fan made it. right: Lisa Medin |
Josefin Svenske, Fabian Göranson & son Ivan are opening the buffet.
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Love at first sight: comic book by Åsa Grennvall. |
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Elin Fahlstedt and boyfriend |
Yet it was a sad sunny festival.
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012
Comix Festival Fumetto 2012
The idea was born last year at the Comicfestival SPX in Stockholm:
"Why don't we edit a STRAPAZIN issue with female comic artists?"
The SPX shows more female presence than any other festival, thanks to its organizer Kristiina Kolehmainen. It's a big loss for the comicworld, that Kristiina lost her fight against cancer two days ago.
Kati Rickenbach, Kristiina Kolehmainen and me at our Exhibition in the Goetheinstitut in Stockholm 2011.
We will miss Kristiina terribly.
The STRAPAZIN Damenstammtisch in turn was invited to exhibit at the Comix Festival Fumetto in Luzern 2012.
Kati (with new born Emma) is signing a special Strapazin issue for Kristiina, not knowing, that it was too late for this small gesture.
Coverart: Sharmila Banerjee,
Short stories by: Kati Rickenbach (Editor), Aisha Franz, Eli Zwimpfer, Sharmila Banerjee, claire Lenkowa, Gabrielle Bell, Vanessa Davis, Caroline Sury, Ulli Lust (Editor)
Aisha Franz, who kindly, perfectly supervised the building of the exhibition.
Sharmila Banerjee
Caroline Sury
Sharmila Banerjee
Aisha Franz, Vanessa Davis
Gabrielle Bell, Vanessa Davis, Eli Zwimpfer, Kati Rickenbach, Aisha Franz (Foto: David Basler)
Box of Eli Zwimpfer.
Elis Comic for the Strapazin you can also read in full colour at electrocomics.
(in the magazin the story is printed in black and white and some pages shortened).
inside the Box of Vanessa Davis
inside the box of Caroline Sury
Saturday night the work was done, we were ready for the big opening buffet ... but first everybody had to watch the award ceremony for the Fumetto Comic Contest.
Here you see jury member Dominique Goblet in her gala dress. (Foto: Aisha Franz)
Ulli Lust, Aisha Franz, Vanessa Davis, Dominique Goblet (Foto: Gabrielle Bell)
Jana Jakokoubek, Artistic Direktor of the Festival, Kati Rickenbach and Emma in her bag, on the traditional boat trip on the Vierwaldstättersee.
Gabrielle Bell
Dominique Goblet, anonymous bear, in the exhibiton of Anja Wicki
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