by Ulli Lust
It was supposed to be the festival of Bill, Bill Waterson, artist of "Calvin and Hobbes" and festival president 2015. But it was the year of Charlie.
Hotel de Ville |
Joakin Pirinen |
No pens this time. |
Covers of "Charlie Hebdo" were placarded all over the city. Studying them, I begann to wonder, why the Festival censored one of my comic pages in an exhibition 2012. It showed dancing people in a fetish club, - all relevant body parts were covered - but the festival considered it not to be appropriate for school children who also attended the exhibition. |
Baby Charlie |
Window display in a shop for hearing aids |
Vandalism at the Place de la République (Paris) |
But I'm gettting ahead, we are still in Angouleme.
Hunched backs of comic artists at work: Brendan Leach (back only), Derf Backderf, Joseph Lambert at the stand of çà et là. |
Rain outside makes it feel cosy in the tends. |
It is a funny coincidence, that my sweetheart Kai Pfeiffer has his signing place exactly opposite of mine. We are publishing at different editions, Kai's book "Plus si entente" (together with Dominique Goblet) was released last september by Actes sud BD & Frémok. |
Bildunterschrift hinzufügen |
Kai and Dominique talking about their collaboration. |
Young artists in the audience are drawing old artists on stage. |
After the gate closure vodka is served at the scandinavian booths. with Bill Kartalopoulos, Paz Boira and Dominique Goblet. |
Kai Pfeiffer and Martin Ernstsen exchanged glasses. Suddenly Martin has the lady killer looks, while Kai gets an almost peacefull expression. |
Saturday the lines caused by security are getting longer and longer. |
I won't leave the tent anymore. It's raining anyway. |
Anna Sommer, signing |
At night at the Chat noir: Frederic Strömberg, Nina Hemmingson and Anneli Furmark, still drawing. |
Paul Gravett, enthusiastic |
Anneli and me happen to have the same taste in hats. |
Appearence of myself with a better hair style at the exhibition of "Employé du moi" |
The festival ends, but not the trip. Serge from Ça et là organized signings in several bookshops in and near Paris. |
For example at the Librairie Millepages in Vincennes, with Liz Prince, Josh Neufeld and Dylan Horrocks (not arrived yet). |
In leisure time I visited vintage stores together with my son and his fashion loving girlfriend Anita. While we checked the particular store below, Phil was waiting outside, after some time went to buy a falaffel, ate the falaffel, waited again ..
Sorry Phil! But look at Anita in her new dress!
Me & Phil at the Louvre |
Liz Prince, signing |
Joseph Lambert and his astonishing sketchbook |
with Liz and Joseph at the Librairie Au Grand Nulle Part in Rouen. |
Taking a late train back to Paris, the shops at the train station were closed allready and we bought some of what they call food at a snack machine. Yes, the life of a comics artist is glamorous. |